Out of Darkness

Out of Darkness


Medium: Acrylic on canvas

Dimensions: 65” x 52” x 7”


This collage piece demonstrates the true power and love of the Black Man. Recent events of injustice, along with a history full of the same injustices, have pushed and continue to push the Black Man to a place of trauma, despair, feeling defeated and broken; a place of darkness. However, as they come to a place of understanding and self-discovery, they begin to acknowledge who they truly are, everything God said they were and were created to be and nothing of what the enemy accuses them of being. They are fathers, brothers, husbands, kings, sons and Sons of the Most High God. Kingdom Culture is the way, love and the light which shines within them all will be the guide that will lead them Out of Darkness and into a world full of hope, truth, love, grace, success and healing; just a few of the tools (fruits) they will use to lead their families and communities to a better place. The piece is encased in a shadow box and visually enhanced with LED lighting. The crown signifies a higher state of consciousness, royalty and kingship, all attributes of the God who created Us all in His image.

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